Monday, 16 April 2018

Collagen in Joint Structure

Joints exist wherever two bones meet. They play a key role to ensure smooth and safe movements between the bones involved. Joints must thus deal with two major forces, namely load (including shock absorption) and friction. Synovial fluid present in the joint space acts as a hydraulic cushion in this context.

Joints are mainly composed of :

Muscle and Bones                                       

Articular Cartilage



Synovial Membrane and Fluid

Theses different parts of the joint are mainly composed of collagen.

Collagen Decrease

When there is a decrease of collagen production in the body, everything is affected. Weakness, overall lack of energy, stiffness and discomfort are the main symptoms of a collagen decrease. In addition, all these symptoms increase with aging.

In fact, collagen production begins to decline as early as age 30 and this reduction becomes much more prominent from age 50 and onwards.

Even more ironically, in our early thirties, most of us accept to live with most of these minors discomforts. However, as far as the reduction of collagen in our body is concerned, these problems are just the tip of the iceberg; as they announce, together with aging, direct effects on our health and quality of life.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018


Genacol is a safe substance that supplies the necessary elements in order to nutritionally support the body’s production of collagen.
  1. Helps to maintain healthy joints*
  2. Helps to increase duration of sleep for occasional sleeplessness*

Genacol® Sleep & Joints is a unique combination of AminoLock® Collagen and melatonin (the body’s sleep hormone), which is largely responsible for the quality and duration of sleep. 

Genacol® Sleep & Joints is a natural sleep aid, does not create dependence or grogginess upon waking, do not procure any undesirable side effects and is 100% drug free. It can greatly help people who occasionally suffer from occasional sleeplessness.

Genacol® Sleep & Joints has been specifically designed to promote a more restful night’s sleep while improving joint health.

Dosage (adult): Take 3 capsules once daily at bedtime, or as directed by your health care practitioner.